About Us

Enterprise Europe Network is the world's largest network which has 600 members and over 3000 experts working for the network in more than 62 countries serving especially SMEs, large companies and researchers who want to establish international cooperation. The network includes chambers of commerce and industry, technology transfer centers, research centers and institutions providing support to SMEs. Different institutions in each city/region collaborate to form their own Enterprise Europe Network consortium.

Our aim with the project is to inform companies about internationalization, foreign trade, intellectual property rights, international cooperation, to develop innovation and R&D infrastructures, to increase the competitiveness of companies in the international market and to get into an international partnership. The European Enterprise Network profile database also mediates companies to find each other for commercial, technological business partnerships or joint R&D projects apart from information and infrastructure activities. In addition, it is aimed for companies to meet each other face to face and find potential partners by organizing international B2B bilateral meetings. 

The activities carried out in this direction are as follows:


1.Information and Consulting

a. Seminars & Trainings: Trainings and seminars on European Union legislation and policies, project writing techniques for local and European Union programs, Horizon 2020, green economy, foreign trade, international marketing, ecologically sensitive design, innovation management, intellectual property rights (IPR).

b. Information Services: Advisory service to questions regarding EU legislation, policies, funds, loans and tenders

c. Monthly Newsletters: Monthly bulletins covering the Consortium's activities within the Network, profiles of foreign commercial and technological cooperation and Horizon 2020 project calls

d. Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)

2. Commercial Cooperation between SMEs and Internationalization 

a. Searching for commercial partners suitable for the offers and demands of companies

b. Business meetings between companies

c. Opportunity to reach foreign companies in the European Enterprise Network database

3. Support to SMEs

a. Identification of R&D needs and technology transfers

b. Company visits and technology detection/evaluation activities

c. Technology and innovation transfer

d. Technology and project matchmaking activities

e. Support for R&D and Horizon 2020 funds

f. Support for technological cooperation and finding a project partner

As Kocaeli University Technopark, we get involved in the Smart City Kocaeli Project by using the developing technology and digitalization in the world and in Turkey with the institutions we cooperate with. We contribute with the new projects we are developing to make Kocaeli a smart city with the competencies of our companies by determining Kocaeli's situation analysis report and strategic roadmap. In this context, extensive knowledge is offered as a smart city consultancy service, including metropolitan and district municipalities throughout Turkey. 

With the feasibility study conducted with MARKA (East Marmara Development Agency) Feasibility Support, KOÜ Teknopark A.Ş. and with the support of Kocaeli University, Kocaeli Chamber of Industry, and Kocaeli Chamber of Commerce, the pre-incubation, incubation and accelerator units, education and laboratory units, where Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, and Artificial Intelligence studies are prioritized and entrepreneurs who primarily address the applications of these studies in the industry will settle. It is aimed to present a project to increase the capacity of R&D studies in the AR/VR  and, accordingly, games and sub-sectors in Kocaeli province and the industrial sector that will be affected by this.

The basic working method to be used as a result of the project will be as follows:

- Providing workshops for AR/VR entrepreneurs admitted to incubation units,

- Providing consultancy and mentoring support,

- Providing technical laboratory support and facilities.

Within the framework of these supports and opportunities, it is aimed to ensure that industrial organizations and software and hardware companies in the Kocaeli region acquire an institutional structure that will achieve a leading and competitive position in the field of AR/VR in the regional, national and international arena.