About Us


KOU Technopark carries out works to develop cooperation with domestic and international institutions and organizations to contribute to the commercialization of its companies.

 Enterprises Matchmaking Service:  Bilateral cooperation meetings between technology and R&D provider Technopark companies and industrial organizations are organized by KOU Teknopark to provide solutions to the technological needs of industrial companies and to contribute to R&D studies. Technopark companies that provide the desired competencies or services are brought together to create service/product sales, joint project development and investment opportunities that will bring mutual benefits for the parties by determining the focus areas of interest of industrial companies.


 Investor Meetings: To provide support for the capital needs of Technopark companies during the establishment and growth stages, both Angel investment networks and private and public funds are organized to meet the investors of the appropriate companies. Support is provided on processes with meetings, webinars, and one-to-one feedback on the sharing of investors' expectations, the preparation of investor presentations and the preparations of companies in investor meetings.


 Collaborations in the Ecosystem:  Collaborations on various issues are established with institutions and organizations in the entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystem. Collaboration with incubation centers, Technology Transfer Offices, Regional Development agencies, national grant/support institutions, chambers, municipalities, associations and organized industrial zones provides companies with advantages in business development.


PUIC (Public-University-Industry Collaboration):  R&D centers and industrial establishments with the potential to become R&D centers are visited in the organization of the Provincial Directorate of Industry, ensuring integration between institutions, and works are carried out to increase the R&D and innovation capacities of companies within the scope of PUIC in Kocaeli. In this context, technopark companies and industrial companies' meetings, technopark promotion and awareness activities were carried out.