
Company and Incubation Application

Entrepreneurs who want to operate in the Kocaeli University Technology Development Zone within the scope of Technology Development Zones Law No. 4691 can apply for their projects via the link below.


1. Information about your current project should be given in the Pre-Application Form. Individuals who apply as individuals can choose the "I Don't Have a Company" option in the company information field in the form.

2. After your Pre-Application is received by the Managing Company and the pre-approval is given, an activation e-mail will be sent to the e-mail address you specified on the form. For this reason, make sure that the contact information you enter through the form is complete. You can set your ArgePortal login password with the link in your activation e-mail.

3. The form that will appear in front of you after logging in to ArgePortal is the main application form. On this form, all information required for your application such as company information, project information, personnel information must be filled in completely. In addition, the documents required for your project must be uploaded to the system. (eg project presentation)

4. After the application form is filled in completely, the form should be printed from the "Print Preview Form" field, and each page should be handed over to KOÜ Teknopark A.Ş. Those who do not have a company should only be signed and submitted by the applicant.

KOÜ Technopark A.Ş. In the applications, the project review fee is 9000  TL + (%20) VAT. The application fee must be deposited into the bank account below and the receipt must be added to the relevant field under the project documents in the application form.

Bank Account Number

KOÜ Technopark Inc.

İş Bankası İzmit Branch

IBAN NO: TR140006400000124002103793

*By making an application, you declare that the information you have provided in the forms and its annexes (except for those that contain forward-looking expectations, intentions and estimates) is correct and complete. If the Managing Company determines that the information declared in the forms is incorrect or incomplete after your acceptance to the zone, it has the authority and right to unilaterally terminate your lease agreement and terminate your activities in the zone.

*R&D project applied to KOÜ Technopark; It is obligatory to include the acceptance letters of publicly supported projects such as TÜBİTAK, KOSGEB, Ministry of Industry Techno-Venture Capital Support, SANTEZ and European Union Framework Programs, which are accepted by the refereed juries, into the "project documents".


Project applications are evaluated by the arbitration committee within the scope of the Technology Development Zones Law No. 4691 and Article 14/g of the Implementation Regulation. The result of the evaluation is evaluated by the KOÜ Teknopark A.Ş Board of Directors, and a decision is made and the result is reported to the company. Space is allocated to the accepted company according to the office situation in the region


The academician is required to apply to establish a company at the university where he/she works with reference to the Technology Development Zones Law No. 4691 and to apply with the decision of the board of directors of the university he/she works for.

Click to Apply