

Personal Data Protection Law and Commercial Electronic Messages Webinar

“KVKK and Commercial Electronic Messages Webinar” will be held on April 21, 2022 between 14.00-15.00.


  • What is Personal Data?
  • Special Qualified Personal Data
  • What Are the Elements of Express Consent?
  • Circumstances Where Explicit Consent is Not Required
  • What is Lighting Text?
  • Who is the Personal Data Controller?
  • Obligations of the Data Controller
  • Destruction of Personal Data
  • Collection Methods of Personal Data
  • Retention Period of Personal Data
  • Transfer of Personal Data Abroad
  • Commercial Electronic Messages
  • Message Management System

Webinar related information:

· It is free of charge.
· After the program no certificate will be issued.


Eren Can Ersoy,

Kılınç Law & Consulting's Personal Data Protection and Cyber ​​Crime Department's executive lawyer, Atty. Eren Can Ersoy has specialized in personal data protection compliance projects, cybercrime, electronic commerce law, fintech and start-up law, and esports law throughout her career. In addition to these areas, Eren Can Ersoy, who has gained experience in the fields of dispute resolution and litigation, tax and administrative law, contract law, commercial law, also works on litigation processes, resolution of tax and administrative disputes, and preparation and negotiation processes of commercial contracts. .

Merve Çebi,

One of the lawyers of Kılınç Hukuk & Danışmanlık's Personal Data Protection and Cyber ​​Crimes Department, Atty. Merve Cebi; He carried out studies in the field of data protection, especially in compliance projects on the protection of personal data and the creation of personal data policies and compliance documents. Expertise in the preparation of contract types and protocols, the resolution of disputes in the fields of private and criminal law, tax and administrative law, including criminal and private law cases arising from the infringement of trademark rights, commercial law, labor law, lease law, intellectual property law, mediation and reconciliation processes is the owner.

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